George Ubachs is Managing Director of EADTU and responsible for the development and support of the EADTU network, policies and execution of its goals in online, open and flexible higher education. He is coordinator of international academic cooperation networks on networked curricula, virtual mobility, e-assessment and quality in online education. He is further coordinator of the European MOOC Consortium (EMC), representing the Common Microcredential Framework (CMF). As coordinator of the E-xcellence movement on quality assurance in online, open and flexible education, he also represents Europe in ICDE’s Focal Points on Quality of open, flexible and distance learning (OFDL).
Harald Schumann studied political ecology in Berlin, and has worked as a journalist since 1983 for publications that include the daily newspaper tageszeitung (1984-86), Der Spiegel (1986-2004), and since 2004, for the daily Tagesspiegel.
In 2016, Schumann and journalists from eight European countries founded the cooperative Investigate Europe, which jointly researches relevant topics across Europe and publishes the results in parallel in up to fifteen countries. The team currently consists of 16 journalists from 11 European countries.
Schumann has written several books, among them Die Globalisierungsfalle (“The globalisation trap” ) (1996), co-authored with Hans-Peter Martin and translated into 24 languages.
He has won multiple awards, among them the 2019 Immanuel-Kant-Preis for the work with Investigate Europe about the uncontrolled lobby power of Microsoft and the 2013 German Television Award for the documentary Staatsgeheimnis Bankenrettung (“The secret bank bailout”).
Harald Schumann

Radka Betcheva

Radka Betcheva is Head of Member Relations for Central & Eastern Europe in the Directorate of Member Relations and Communications at the EBU. She works on strategic, advisory and policy issues related to EBU members. She manages a programme for support of public service media in the EU accession countries.
From 2005 to 2012 Ms Betcheva worked as a Head of the Media Programme in the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, supporting media reforms in the host country. She worked also with the UNMIK/OSCE Mission in Kosovo in 2004-2005.
Ms Betcheva has 16 years of experience in Bulgarian public service broadcasting as a journalist, editor and executive producer and part time lecturer at the New Bulgarian University.
She speaks English, German, Russian, French, Serbo-Croatian, and Bulgarian.
She holds a masters degree in International Relations and Diplomacy from Tufts University, Boston, a masters degree in Economics from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, and a diploma in Journalism. In 2002-2003 she was awarded the prestigious Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University.
Johannes Pause is a research scientist specializing in film and media studies and the deputy programme director of the Bachelor in Animation at the University of Luxembourg. After being awarded a PhD by the Freie Universität Berlin in 2008, Johannes held positions as a research associate in Gießen, Trier, and Dresden. In 2016, he was appointed interim Professor of Media Studies at the University of Mannheim. The principal areas covered in his research include Populism and Popular Culture, Knowledge and Education in the Post-Digital Age, Algorithmic Cultures, and the Politics of (Hollywood) Cinema. His most recent publication is Populismus und Kino. Politische Repräsentation im Hollywood der 1930er Jahre (Bielefeld: transcript 2023).
Johannes Pause